Product control and process control

Product control and Process control both are the method of statistical quality control. These two methods are applied to distinct phase of plant operation.

Process Control:

Process control is a method of statistical quality control in which the quality of a product is controlled while the products are in the process of production. In process control, the control charts are used to detect the variations and control the quality of a product. Control Charts are the graphic devices for detecting variation in the production process and determining the permissible limits of variation. Control charts are based on the theory of probability and theory of sampling. Control charts consists three horizontal lines: central line, upper control limit, and lower control limit.

Product Control:
Product control is another method of statistical quality control in which the quality of a product is controlled while the product is ready to dispatch or sell to the customers. Product control used the technique of acceptance sampling to detect defects and control the quality of a product. In Acceptance sampling, the acceptance or rejection of whole lot depend upon the samples drawn from that lot. If the quality of the drawn samples is good, then the lot will be accepted and vice-versa.

There are two types of risk in acceptance sampling. They are Producer’s risk and Consumer’s risk. Producer risk is the risk of rejecting the lot of good quality products based on the sample having bad quality. And consumer’s risk is the risk of accepting the lot of bad quality products based on the sample having good quality.

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